Are you a Sales Professional who is:
Sick and tired of getting beaten up over price?
Working hard, but still not hitting your numbers and not sure what to do about it?
Struggling to get in front of more prospects?
Tired of not getting more referrals?
Frustrated, because your cold calls aren’t working?
Fed up with giving away detailed presentations, quotes, and your expertise only to get a Think it Over and not a buying decision?
Maybe Your Business Development Model Needs An Overhaul.
Your selling strategies may be working against you!
For over 13 years, Nancy operated a Sandler Training franchise which is a national & international leader in sales & sales management training and coaching. Sandler Training provides unique sales and sales management solutions to the challenges faced by salespeople, sales managers and other professionals who must build a client base for their services.
Nancy now provides Coaching and Business Development for Sales Professionals who, for the most part, are successful but may find themselves frustrated with situations where they are not maximizing their growth efforts.
Read Nancy’s published articles on Sales Coaching.

“Thanks for your work with our guys over this last year. We’ve realized some great sales growth over this last year…to the tune of about 50%.”
~Brad Loetz
Managing Director
REMEDI Electronic Commerce Group
“Nancy, I wanted to say thank you for the change you have helped create in my life. My sales have increased… but what I gained most from you was to focus on sales that qualify which has saved me considerable time. I also have goals that help keep me driven which I never realized how far off the path I had gotten until you woke me up. I feel focused and more alive than I have felt for a long time. I work out three times a week and make time for golf and family while still doing my work effectively. So thank you.”
~Michael H.
Read more testimonials from Nancy’s business coaching clients.
Top 10 Reasons to Use a Professional & Personal Coach
Your Coach Will:
1. Maximize your individual skills, resources, and productivity toward achieving your goals.
2. Be dedicated to inspiring, supporting, and challenging you to uncover and fulfill your life’s dreams and goals, both personally and professionally.
3. Help you identify where your life is out of balance so that you can create a more balanced and fulfilled life.
4. Assist you in identifying your goals and setting priorities.
5. Help you devise action plans and strategies that keep you focused on your goals.
6. Develop a customized time-management and organization system to ensure progress towards your goals.
7. Schedule weekly coaching sessions (either in-person or via phone) to hold you accountable and keep you on track towards your goals.
8. Help you identify, work through, and remove obstacles which sabotage your desire and ability to change and follow-through.
9. Ask you powerful questions to make you think and become aware of what you want out of life and how you are going to become pro-active in your life rather than reactive.
10. Provide you with unconditional support and encouragement, and is your biggest cheerleader, not only when you succeed, but when you fall short of your goal.