Independent Business Owners…
Are you just starting out building your business and find yourself frustrated & overwhelmed by high demands and little time? Or, are you running a successful business and not sure how to take it to the next level?
If you’re like most business owners or entrepreneurs, you are either on your own or you provide the support, direction, and encouragement to others in your organization.
But, who provides the confidential and unconditional support and structure that you need to be as successful as possible?
Most likely…NO ONE…
And that’s where a business coach can help.
A Coach is your one-on-one partner committed to helping you:
- Achieve more than you ever thought possible.
- Identify new and successful business strategies and goals.
- Take control of high demands and little time.
- Get unstuck in some area of your business or operations.
- Deal with a large, unique, yet critical project.
- Hire and retain employees.
- Create a business plan for growth or obtaining a bank loan.
- Be accountable.
- Remain focused and keep your momentum.
- Achieve balance between work and home…and much more.
Read Nancy’s published article on Small Business Coaching.
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the things you have taught me over the years. You are a great inspiration and help to me and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.
I look forward to each of our meetings because I always learn something each and every time. You keep my head level and my brain clear when it gets cloudy.
… I thought you should know that you have changed my life and sales for the better! Thanks for mentoring me and being who you are – an awesome lady!!

Alexandra Craig
Personal Level Fitness

“I coach 70 rugby players at The Ohio State University and I own my own business. We would never go to a practice without an evaluated plan, let alone a game. The biggest job of a coach is to hone skills, re-emphasize basics, focus, re-focus and prioritize what needs to get done. It doesn’t matter if it’s competitive athletics or competitive business. I can’t believe it took me so long to make this same connection to my business.”
~Tom Rooney
Head Coach at The Ohio State University Men’s Rugby Team
Owner at TR Medical Systems
Read more testimonials from Nancy’s business coaching clients.
Top 10 Reasons to Use a Professional & Personal Coach
Your Coach Will:
1. Maximize your individual skills, resources, and productivity toward achieving your goals.
2. Be dedicated to inspiring, supporting, and challenging you to uncover and fulfill your life’s dreams and goals, both personally and professionally.
3. Help you identify where your life is out of balance so that you can create a more balanced and fulfilled life.
4. Assist you in identifying your goals and setting priorities.
5. Help you devise action plans and strategies that keep you focused on your goals.
6. Develop a customized time-management and organization system to ensure progress towards your goals.
7. Schedule weekly coaching sessions (either in-person or via phone) to hold you accountable and keep you on track towards your goals.
8. Help you identify, work through, and remove obstacles which sabotage your desire and ability to change and follow-through.
9. Ask you powerful questions to make you think and become aware of what you want out of life and how you are going to become pro-active in your life rather than reactive.
10. Provide you with unconditional support and encouragement, and is your biggest cheerleader, not only when you succeed, but when you fall short of your goal.